Take care of the most important person in your life - YOU!

If you watched the Super Bowl last month you might have noticed several advertisements that featured Self Care. There were two ads associated with fitness (Lindsay Lohan with Planet Fitness and Serena Williams with Tonal), and one that featured John Legend promoting his new sleep cast on Headspace (a meditation App) advocating “treat yourself for some well-earned self-care on Headspace”.   

But the one commercial that really captured my attention was the ad for Hologic (a global women's health organization) that featured rap singer Mary J Blige.  In this commercial it showed the busy Grammy award-winning music star running from event to event, from backstage to recording, talking with agents, and showing her rigorous workouts with her trainers.  But even with everything going on in her busy hectic life, she purposefully takes time to slow down and make herself a priority…scheduling and going to the doctors to get her annual check-up.  The commercial ends with her saying “Making your Health a Priority is Real Love”.   How powerful is that ?  Yet so many of us get caught up in our busy lives and put off caring for ourselves and giving ourselves “REAL SELF LOVE”. 

Why is it so hard for women to focus on themselves and put themselves front and center and prioritize self-care? 

When I was researching self-care, I came across so many quotes encouraging and giving women PERMISSION for self-care..things like Self-care is never a SELFISH ACT…Caring for myself is not SELF-INDULGENCE…it is so sad that so many women think that they are undeserving, or putting themselves first is selfish and deprive their own self-care in lieu of others.  

Practicing Self Care is more important now than ever.  It is not about beating yourself up for not exercising more or scrutinizing every calorie you eat.  It is about slowing down, listening to what you want and need in your life, and making that a priority for no one else but yourself.     

Here is the best definition for Self-Care that I found:

Self-care /self-kare/noun:  the active process of making your body and mind a pleasant place to inhabit by filling your own cup first.  This ensures you have enough to give others. 

So what does that mean and how can you start focusing on your own Self Care?

Self Care doesn’t have to be time-consuming and overwhelming.  It can be as easy as sitting with yourself for 5 minutes and changing your thoughts from what you should be doing to what will make you feel good today.  Is there a friend that you have been thinking of?  Perhaps picking up the phone and giving them a call is just what you need today rather than doing that extra load of laundry. Have you been sitting in front of the computer and feeling lethargic and stiff? Perhaps a quick power nap or a short 20-minute walk will give you the energy you need for the rest of the day.  Or if the clutter on your desk is driving you crazy, take 10 minutes to put stuff away to clear your mind to focus on your task at hand.

Self Care covers really every area of your life: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Psychological.  And they are all intertwined and often overlap.  What area is calling out to you? What area needs you most right now? 

Body (Physical Self-Care)

What is your body telling you it needs today? 

More movement, stretching, or rest? 

What would make your body happy? 

Earlier bed-time?  A brisk walk?

Getting up from your desk to stretch? 

Choosing a healthy salad today for lunch? 

Or is it just to sit and take a few deep breaths to refocus?  

Heart (Emotional Self-Care)

Are you treating yourself with the same respect, love, kindness, and support that you give to others?

Are you aware of the negative or self-doubt talk inside your head that might be holding you back? 

Are you asking for the help you need? 

Are you setting clear boundaries and saying no to things you do not want to do so you do not overtax yourself? 

And are you taking time to enrich your relationships with family or friends?  

Mind (Psychological Self-Care)

Are you growing and learning? 

Is there a book that you have always wanted to read? 

Is there a hobby or interest that you want to explore? 

Is the clutter in your mind or surroundings bogging you down? 

Are you reflecting on what your future looks like?

What do you want to do? Who do you want to be?

Spirit (Spiritual Self-Care)

What beliefs and values are important to you? 

Are you being true to these values and are you listening to your gut to guide you?

  Meditation, prayer, taking walks in nature, listening to music or journaling are all ways to connect to your inner spirit.  

You may be asking yourself what self-care has to do with Lavender.  Well, Joanne and I have always been passionate about health, and self-care, which is one of the reasons why we grow and love lavender so much, not only for its beauty but because of all the health benefits it has.

Because of this passion, we will be posting easy self-care practices that specifically feature lavender, but wanted to first just introduce this concept of self-care to you.   As a first step in practicing self-care, you might want to read our blog on the Art of the Bath.

It is our hope that you will put yourself front and center and treat yourself by taking advantage of some of the tips we share in our blogs or join us at one of our workshops or events at our farm.   


Take care,

Amy & Joanne